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DMX #basic

Lighting technology made easy

    DMX #basic
  • Contents:
    ★ What is DMX
    ★ DMX standard and cable
    ★ DMX addressing
    ★ DMX software and hardware
    ★ DMX control basics
    ★ Scenes and generators
    ★ Lighting script basics
    ★ WhatsApp support
    ★ Certificate of completion

DMX #expert

Lighting technology made easy

    DMX #expert
  • Contents:
    ★ Deepening the basics
    ★ Making a 3D model
    ★ Stages, object and 3D settings
    ★ Combining light and music
    ★ Advanced software functions
    ★ Create light script practice workshop
    ★ Questions, answers, troubleshooting
    ★ WhatsApp support
    ★ Completion Certificate